[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] ve_lavc cosmetics

Robert Swain robert.swain at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 16:52:23 CET 2006


A while ago when I was trying to do MPEG-4 profiles in ve_lavc I noticed
how ugly libmpcodecs/ve_lavc.c was in terms of mixing styles, mixing
tabs and spaces for indentation, irregular indentation and so on. Today
I got bored so I decided to go through it and clean it up. So, this is
what I have done:

- All indentation is now four spaces per 'level'.
- Bad indentation has been fixed.
- Many long lines in the main code are now < 80 columns or thereabouts.
- There were a number of styles for if(){} paranthesis position and
indentation, these have been made uniform.
- This is just personal taste, I think, but there was a mix of a=b, a= b
and a = b. I prefer the latter so I have made this consistent
- Around (patched) line 556 ['e = sscanf (lavc_param_aspect, "%f",
&ratio);'] there were {} but they are unnecessary as there was only one
line in the else statement so I removed these. I hope this doesn't have
any ABI connotations that I'm unaware of due to being a n00b. :)

Hopefully all this will be OK but if I've done anything idiotic or you
guys and gals really don't like any of it, please say.

Warning, the attached patch is difficult to read because of its nature
as a cosmetic diff.

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