[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] (trivial) fix writing "libavmuxers" to config.h

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Wed Dec 13 20:58:38 CET 2006

Revision r21607 missed a redirect to /dev/null, so configure prints 
several lines:

./configure: line 7549: ac3_muxer: command not found
./configure: line 7549: ac3_muxer: command not found
(and so on)

...and never enables the muxers when writing to config.h.

This patch is very simple and I could probably commit right right away, 
but I'll wait a couple hours just to be sure.

Meanwhile, can someone tell me if it is actually necessary to use those 
backticks? Changing the following line:

if \` echo $_libavmuxers | grep $part > /dev/null \`; then
if echo $_libavmuxers | grep $part > /dev/null ; then

...works just fine for me (bash 3.1).

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