[MPlayer-dev-eng] svn policy change [RFC][PATCH]

Uoti Urpala uoti.urpala at pp1.inet.fi
Wed Aug 9 01:12:30 CEST 2006

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 22:03 +0200, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
+  You can revert a change by using svn copy from an old revision or by 
+  reversing the change locally and re-commiting with a proper commit message.
+  if the change was total nonsense like a policy violation or someone
+  commiting the wrong file then svn copy is the correct way to reverse

I think this is bad advice as it makes normal reverting and svn copy
sound like equally common alternatives, and might make people use the
svn copy method in cases where it's not appropriate. The svn copy method
should not be used unless the changes touch a lot of code which
shouldn't really have changed at all, and IMO it should normally be
discussed publicly first (unless it's a really obvious case). "Policy
violation" or "being nonsense" are not reasons to use the svn copy
method unless the reverted patch changes a huge amount of lines.

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