[MPlayer-dev-eng] The road to rc1

Nico Sabbi nicola_sabbi at fastwebnet.it
Sat Aug 5 10:48:01 CEST 2006

Benjamin Zores wrote:

>On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 02:15:24 +0200
>"Hervé W." <H.O.W.aka.V+mplayer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Possibly releasing a RC0 (so not really a RC) instead of RC1 on the
>>"deadline" has a certain appeal and thus giving dvdnav (and only
>>dvdnav?) a second chance to make the deadline.
><joke>Why not RC(-1) then ;-)</joke>
>Imho it's pointless releasing because of time schedule.
>We all want dvdnav in, so let's just start applying otvos' patch.

when you begin reading that patch, as I did, you wil realize that little 
of it
can be committed as it is; most of his code needs a lot of rework

>I'll take less time to adapt it to MPlayer and make it work than to
>flame and think on how and when will be the "less worse moment to start
>considering thinking of applying it".

not at all

>The current consideration looks like a company approach who has fear of
>doing changes to it's product cause it might break things and delay release.
>Thinking is a waste of time, performing is better :)

releasing anything else than a daily svn snapshot is totally pointless 
and harmful, IMO

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