[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] new mpeg muxer

Arpi arpi at mplayerhq.hu
Mon Feb 28 20:31:44 CET 2005


> IMO the problem on your system is what someone else mentioned: the
> buggy "QuickTime" video layer on osx converts yv12 to yuy2 behind the
> scenes, using very slow code, and also gamma corrects it in software
> which is incredibly slow and unnecessary.

it's imho even worse. at least on my g5, it seems qt converts the
yv12 image to rgb, so when doing big scaling (ie. 320x240 ->1280x1024)
you can see big aliasing effect on colors, like if you first convert to
to yuv 4:4:4 (or rgb) and then scale up using linear scaling...

knowing, that quartz extreme (in osx 10.3.x) does every screen rendering
through opengl, i can imagine it first converts yuv to rgb, and then
uses the opengl renderer to scale it up...

> > Using Mplayer is usually OK, but I tend to prefer using Quicktime. QT 
> > has better rate control and syncs better with audio.
> Must be due to bugs on the mac vo/ao drivers..
> > There is now a nice vo for mplayer called quartz, which is not really 
> > using Quartz (display PDF vector compositor) but Quicktime.
> > AFAIK noone has ported vidix to Mac. X11 on Mac is dog slow.
> Are you sure vidix isn't supported? It would be by far the best
> choice.. Maybe someone (I know there are plenty mac fans out there!)
> could port it....

afaik it isnt ported, and even if so, it would be hard to make it
stable, as the os keeps updating the screen using full hw accel.
(so there may be conflicting registers/commands on the gpu)

A'rpi / MPlayer, Astral & ESP-team

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