[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] New VO drivers.

Ivo ivop at euronet.nl
Tue Sep 14 01:12:30 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I have written two new VO drivers, namely vo_pnm and vo_md5sum. They can, 
hopefully, replace vo_pgm and vo_md5. For the latter I used a slightly 
different name, so they can all co-exist for a while if necessary. Since 
it's quite a big patch, I was a little hesitant to just commit it all. Let 
me explain why I wrote this:

Old sitiuation:

vo_pgm - outputs raw PGMYUV files in the current directory.
vo_md5 - uses vo_pgm to write a PGMYUV file and just assumes md5sum is 
installed on the system and uses that to calculate the MD5 sum. After that, 
it deletes the .pgm file and outputs all sums to a file. It's very slow.

New situation:

vo_pnm - can output PPM, PGM and PGMYUV files in both raw and ASCII mode. It 
also has the multiple subdirectory framework I added to vo_jpeg.
vo_md5sum - can calculate the MD5 sum of RGB24 or YV12 frames and does not 
depend on either another vo_* driver or another utility being installed. It 
outputs all the sums to a file.

I have not updated the manual page yet, but I'll do that after this patch 
gets through. And if it doesn't get through, there's no need to :-)

Quick manual:

-vo pnm:suboptions :

	ppm		- write PPM files (default)
	pgm		- write PGM files
	pgmyuv	- write PGMYUV files
	raw		- write raw PNM files
	ascii		- write ASCII PNM files
	outdir=<value>		- output directory
	subdirs=<value>	- if specified, subdirectories are created with this prefix
	maxfiles=<value>	- maximum number of files per subdir.

-vo md5sum:suboptions :

	rgb		- calculate sums on RGB24 frames
	yuv		- calculate sums on YV12 frames
	outfile=<value>		- filename of output file

The LGPL md5sum.c code is endian-proof and comes from the uCIFS library.

I propose the following:

- if there are any comments, nitpicks, updates, improvements to my code, I 
add them. after that:
- committing of vo_md5sum code
- committing of vo_pnm code
- removal of vo_pgm and vo_md5
- updating the manual page to reflect the new vo drivers.

So, what do you think? :-)

BTW Besides the diff, there are four new files attached to this e-mail. They 
all belong in libvo/.

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