[MPlayer-dev-eng] KiSS of copyright

Christof Buergi christof at buergi.lugs.ch
Wed Mar 24 23:46:01 CET 2004

Matthias Wieser sagte:
> Am 17. 3 2004 09:54 schrieb Christof Buergi:
>> Usage of the software is only seen as implicit acceptance, if the
>> user must see a copy of the license prior of the use.

> That only matters for relations between individuals and companies. But
> KISS is not just a individual user of the mplayer software but a
> company.

Not quite. If the "user" is a company, the usage of the software is
considered to be an implicit acceptance, if the person in charge must
have seen the license.

PS: Sorry for replying so late. I'm currently recovering from a head
crash. Now, let us all repeat: Backup is good!
(yes, I made one :)

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