[MPlayer-dev-eng] PATCH: gl2 for APPLE boxes

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Thu Apr 1 22:22:15 CEST 2004


> gl2 works very nice on my machine with the following drop through logic.
> Darwin expects RGB32 and has an alpha always.
> this patch coupled with the previously posted altivec colorspace codes 
> enable realtime execution of  mplayer on MAC's without SDL support.

I very much dislike #ifdefs, especially when they're distributed 
throughout the code..
Why did you do it the way you did it? e.g. this looks wrong to me. a_sz 
is supposed to be the alpha depth of the display!

   if(glXGetConfig(mDisplay,vinfo,GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, &a_sz)!=0)
+#ifdef SYS_DARWIN
+  a_sz = 8;

And what about that:
      case IMGFMT_BGR24:
-//    case IMGFMT_RGB32:
+#ifdef SYS_DARWIN
+    case IMGFMT_RGB32:
  //    case IMGFMT_BGR32:

What happens when you do -vf format=RGB24 or -vf format=BGR24?

I would suggest something like the attached patch, this should make at 
least the a_sz hack unnecessary.

Reimar Döffinger

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