[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] fix wrong dts-aid in open.c

Florian-Wolfgang Stock f.stock at t-online.de
Thu Jul 3 14:24:10 CEST 2003


teh new dts-support for hwac3 is very good. It works with all my
dts-DVD, even with the DTS ES 6.1 DVDs. The problem is only to choose
the correct aid. The -v options shows the wrong aid for dts. 

So I just correctet it, and with it I changed the textual constants of
the description for the number of channels (0=Mono, 4=5.1/6.1 (all my
DTS 6.1 Discrete DVDs are 4, but I got one which is just 5.1 which
also gives here 4)).

This is the very first time I contribute something, not much, but
better then nothing (at least I hope).

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: dts_aid.diff.base64
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 1151 bytes
Desc: dts aid Patch
URL: <http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/mplayer-dev-eng/attachments/20030703/c458c1a3/attachment.obj>
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PS: To the Moderator: I send one mail from a different account, and it
got hold back (because of the wrong From-Entry). I tried to cancel it,
but the cancel-link


results in a "Not Found"-Error. So I repost it, because I am not sure if
its canceld or not. So if you got this message once more - delete it.

int m,u,e=0;float l,_,I;main(){for(;1840-e;putchar((++e>907&&942>e?61-m:u)

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