[MPlayer-dev-eng] MplayerXP vs Mplayer. Hall of truth.

Daniel Egger degger at fhm.edu
Sun Mar 17 18:46:59 CET 2002

Am Son, 2002-03-17 um 17.10 schrieb Nick Kurshev:

> > Please go on and elaborate why you think that multithreading will help.
> Because I saw it in practice :)))

That's not exactly a fundamental reasoning. If that's all you can tell
then please also mention how you measured that.

> mmap will not help - it's not a bottleneck.

If you have highbandwitdh streams then it definitely could be one.

> And much more - probably you can't mmap inet's socket.

You don't have to. Please don't tell me that you'd communicate through
inet sockets between the components of mplayer.

> xp branch uses one demuxer!

Okay, now I fail to see where you're aiming. :)


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