[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: [PATCH] xv-options (brightness etc)

Pásztor Szilárd silicon at falcon.sch.bme.hu
Mon Jan 21 14:33:58 CET 2002

> Please do the patch again so it only modifies vo_xv, brightness etc. control
> may always be done using xv, no matter what codec is used and if that codec
> itself suports it (it doesn't matter if I do it via codec or xv even if osd 
> changes).

So, if I get your point, you are suggesting to drop and forget settings via
the codec and use xv only instead?

While I don't see why it would be good/better than it is with this patch
now, the only change needed to this patch is to swap the set_colors() and
set_video_colors() calls in the if(..) statement. That is, set_colors should
be called first in the || expression, then xv will be used if available.


                   |  Only dead fish swim with the stream.  |

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