[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: [PATCH] Development (Was: Clean up

Daniel Egger degger at fhm.edu
Wed Feb 27 13:37:22 CET 2002

Am Die, 2002-02-26 um 20.39 schrieb Arpi:

> hey, and who cares html 4.01 ?

That was just an example.

> it's written using old plain html 1.0 style... just very basic tags.

Since HTML is a specialisation of SGML there are certain rules that
apply to have it valid. It doesn't matter which tags are used but how.
Not having correct and parsable HTML will mean that browser will
randomly mess it up or not render at all which is what should be
circumvented by all means; or why would one write HTML docs Joe user
can only read in a texteditor because <insert your favourite browser
here> won't display it?

> hmm. are you working for M$ ?

I wouldn't advocate standards if I was working for this company.

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