[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] mplayer fails to link with newer

Soeren Sonnenburg mplayer at nn7.de
Mon Dec 23 23:01:48 CET 2002

On Mon, 2002-12-23 at 21:34, Arpi wrote:
> Hi,
> this proabbly won't work with runtime cpu detection...

arg, right.

Ok, I hope this is now the final thing as it also is the smallest

in both mp3lib/tabinit.c and tabinit_MMX.c decwin is defined and one
function. However in the MMX version all variables are defined static. 

It seems decwin is never referenced to from outside, so I also made it
static in tabinit.c ... (though there is an #extern decwin in mpg123.h)

I removed the #extern declarations in mpg123.h of the static variables
of tabinit.c.

I then recompiled make distclean ; ./configure ; make
and it was still working fine (=I played a movie with mp3 sound).

In another attempth I did the same with --disable-mmx --disable-mmx2 and
found out that there was no sound. So I recompiled again with older
binutils and the disabled mmx. Instead of no sound mplayer crashes
without mmx.

So this patch also fixes this crash but still there is no sound without

Therefore I need to ask whether mplayer's mp3 sound is working for
someone without mmx !


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