[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Setting TV channels (not stepping)

Stephane Jourdois mplayer-dev-eng at rubis.org
Thu Dec 19 11:01:59 CET 2002

On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 10:22:31AM +0100, Jindrich Makovicka wrote:
> Arpi wrote:
> >it looks ok for me. Jindrich?
> for me too, i'll commit it.

Thanks very much.

For your interest, I'm currently designing a more complex patch that
will take channels in a config file (just as xawtv does for example),
to achieve those goals :
    - That will permit to use the tv_step_channel to bind the remote
      buttons channel+ and channel- (perhaps the current
      tv_step_channels function will be renamed tv_step_channels_real)
    - Print channel name using OSD

For the moment I just think to maintain a list of configfile defined
channels in memory, and let current channels list as it is. I'm ready
for comments...

Perhaps then it will be interesting to specify in the configfile whereas
the user want's to use real channels for tv_step and tv_set (the current
way of doing it), or if he want's to use configured channels (the way I
would like it to go ;-)

Next step will be nxtvepg integration (http://nxtvepg.sf.net).

Then I'll do a
	file=`which xawtv`; rm $file; ln -s `which mplayer` $file

I'll submit as short as possible patches to simplify integration for

Thank you for reading me so far...

Stéphane Jourdois.

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