[MPlayer-dev-eng] Issues in the IRIX version of MPlayer; trying to fix them

Gernot Ziegler gz at lysator.liu.se
Sat Aug 31 19:20:36 CEST 2002

Hej guys !

It was a long time ago that I have attempted to compile MPlayer on IRIX;
it seems like a _lot_ of things have improved, great, thanks very much !

I am currently trying to eliminate the last bugs that bother me;
they are the following ones:

.) Since -vo x11 doesn't support hardware scaling, I use -vo gl2 for it,
but the colors were wrong; it turns out that the SGI Octane's OpenGL
Driver 1.1 (bad ;) ) says it has RGB, but due to some Endianness
differences the colors are just inverted.
I tried to do it the nice way, but couldn't currently fix it in any other
way than:
    image_mode= MODE_RGB;
    yuv2rgb_init(image_bpp, MODE_BGR);
    printf("[gl2] YUV init OK (gl_internal_format_s %s)!\n",

(this fix is of course non-portable)

just thought I'd let you know !

.) A-V sync / very strange one ... the sync is lost already from the
beginning (playing PAL 352x288 on an Octane with MIPS R10000 250MHz,
shouldn't be too much for it) ....
the picture is kind of running ahead the audio, not with a fixed ratio
(+/- should have fixed that), but with a "wrong framerate"

I suspected the audio output to
sample at the wrong frequency, but I have to delve deeper into it ...
I couldn't find an -fps setting that fixes it completely, but -fps 22
seems to improve it ...
-srate didn't help, since it also affects the framerate

HA ! Now I got it ! I have to adjust the framerate to approx. 22,5 fps and
then increase the A-V delay to around 0.7 ! :-)

What could that be ? A problem in the ao_sgi sound driver ?
(44.1/48 * 25 fps = 22.9 fps)
Or in the time source ?

If this is too platform-specific, please tell me so, and I will discuss
with Oliver directly about that :-)


T                 The Austria <=> Sweden connection.....                 T
|                      E-Mail: gz at lysator.liu.se                         H
O                Homepage: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz                 E

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