[MPlayer-dev-eng] ogg subtitle logical streams

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Sun Aug 11 14:54:31 CEST 2002


> Hello, I've been working with the mplayer source (from CVS) for the last
> day trying to figure out a way to get subtitles working from ogg text streams.
> I know that mplayer still does not officially support ogg text streams yet
> , but I have already placed the necessary code in libmpdemux/demux_ogg.c
> for what I need.  The only problem I'm having now actually displaying the text!
> >From reading through the source for a few hours all I can come up with is
> setting vo_sub to point to a subtitle and calling vo_osd_chan
> ged(OSDTYPE_SUBTITLE).  Obviously this doesn't work like I thought it
> would and I've run out of other ideas for the moment.

hmm, it should work, the dvd CC subs work the same way.
could you send me the patch, so i can look at it?

if you can print timestamp, duration (or end timestamp) and text to screen
with printf in demux_ogg, it's enough for me, i can complete/fix the supoprt.

anyway the more cleaner way is building subtitle stream, so send sub packets
to the demuxer queue (just like in demux_mpeg), and add some field/type info
describing the format of subtitle stream (now it's assumed to be SPU).
it's not trivial to implement, though.

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

Developer of MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu

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