[MPlayer-dev-eng] [SCRIPT] mencvcd v0.1.2: new improved version

Juergen Hammelmann juergen.hammelmann at gmx.de
Mon Apr 15 09:10:50 CEST 2002

Am Monday 15 April 2002 00:16 schrieb Hetz Ben Hamo:
> Hi, just 2 questions..
> 1. Any plan for doing a GUI for it? (GTK, or QT, or TCL/TK, etc...)
no, not now, because converting takes very long, hours for a whole movie, i 
think it is better to run it in a console in background...

> 2. How much does a typical 90 minutes DVD movie takes to convert with your
> script to SVCD (or VCD) on your machine?
as VCD you can compress it to about 650-700MB, so you can it on one cd!
as SVCD, i think, you can compress it to 1.2GB, so you need 2 cd's.

next subtitle support will come, yuv4mpeg output of mplayer don't have it now.

ciao, Jürgen
I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs.
		-- H.L. Mencken

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email: juergen.hammelmann at gmx.de       address: J. Hammelmann, Brühlstr. 6
phone: +49-7034-61578, +49-179-2178869          D-71157 Hildrizhausen, Germany
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www:   http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/~hammelje

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