[MPlayer-dev-eng] A RTP streaming patch for "mplayer"

D Richard Felker III dalias at aerifal.cx
Thu Apr 11 04:22:49 CEST 2002

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 06:16:38PM -0700, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> At 04:55 PM 4/10/02, you wrote:
> >It is probably better with a dependency than importing the entire
> >tree to the mplayer tree, or even worse reimplementing everything
> >from scratch. If other people do and want to maintain a rtp protocol
> >implementation why not let them do that and then use their code?
> >
> >Of course it should be possible to disable rtp support with some
> >option to 'configure' so you wont have to download some new library
> >to compile mplayer if you don't want rtp support.
> Yes.  It was always my intention that the use of the "LIVE.COM Streaming 
> Media" libraries be optional.  So, if people don't want it, they don't have 
> to use it.
> BTW, these libraries are already being used for many other applications, 
> e.g.
>         - "liveCaster" <http://www.live.com/liveCaster/> for MP3 streaming
>         - a MP3/RTP plugin for "Winamp" 
> <http://www.live.com/multikit/winamp-plugin.html>
>         - "openRTSP", a RTSP client <http://www.live.com/openRTSP/>
>         - within security cameras, for MPEG video streaming
> so it wouldn't really make much sense to try to reimplement this code, in 
> C, just for "mplayer".  (Instead, there's just a single C++ file, present 
> in the patch, that acts as a stub to interface between the existing 
> "mplayer" code (C) and the "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" code (C++).)
> >"lots of systems lack or have broken c++ compiler and/or libs"
> >
> >Actually I don't think so. Which systems are you talking about?
> >Anyway don't we require gcc anyway? And a pretty new version of gcc
> >too if I am not mistaken. Then it shouldn't be a problem. I am quite
> >sure that this rtp implementation works perfectly fine with g++.
> Yes, the code is built and tested primarily with g++ on FreeBSD (and Linux) 
> systems.  (It can also be built on Windoze using MS Visual C++, or Borland.)
> It turns out that C++'s class inheritance mechanism (using virtual 
> functions) is extremely useful for building media streaming code like 
> this.  After looking at the "mplayer" code, I also think that some of its 
> data structures (e.g., "stream_t" and "demuxer_t") would have benefitted, 
> had they been implemented as C++ classes instead of C structs.  (This is 
> not intended to be a slight against the "mplayer" code; the decision to 
> write it purely in C was a perfectly reasonable one at the time.)

Typical C++ propeganda. When will you C++ people realize that there is
no and never will be any benefit to using an 'object oriented
language'. The same things can be done, if desired, in a nice clean
language like C. Even if you do like OO languages, C++ is about the
ugliest one out there. Building an OO language on top of C was just a
stupid idea.

The comment of yours I find most offensive is the "at the time" one.
Having a program written in C is a perfectly reasonable decision at
any time, not just "back when mplayer was started" or "back before
they realized they'd want to do this stuff". If you like C++, that's
fine, but most of the people here do not, and the way you worded your
message is highly condescending. Personally, if I had the time, I'd
rewrite the RTP code for mplayer just to get you out of the
picture...but you're not worth more of my time than it takes to write
a rude email.

Good day sir C++ troll.


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