[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: savage xvideo driver benchmark

Felix Buenemann atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Apr 6 12:49:24 CEST 2002

On Saturday 06 April 2002 06:54, Nilmoni Deb wrote:
> Felix,
> 	This is great news indeed. Do u have this driver binary somewhere
> for download ? I am interested bcos I use the same 1.1.23t driver with
> X-4.2.0 for my savage video and I would love to use ur optimized driver.
I'll attach the optimized binary, however it's currently optimized for MMX2, 
so you should have a PIII or Athlon to use it, but I could recompile for pure 
MMX if needed.
> Also, have u contacted Tim Roberts (timr at probo.com) of
> http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html
> about ur enhancements ?
I have contacted him and he was interested, but didn't reply to some mails 
then, however there is currently a problem in XFree86, because it has no 
different cpp macros for MMX and MMX2 defined, probably some runtime cpu 
detect should be added (or isit already part of XFree?).
I have also added support for VSync, which works fine, but naturally slows 
down decoding quite a bit when the refreshrate is not a multiple of the 
movies framerate, so I would need to add some code so it would be switchable 
as an xv attribute, maybe Tim could help me with it.

Btw. my asm optimiztions can IMHO be applied to 90% of xfree's xv drivers as 
most of them too use YV12->YUY2 convert.
> thanks
> - Nil

Best Regards,
- MPlayer Developer - http://mplayerhq.hu/ -
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