[MPlayer-dev-eng] Feature patch

Sergei Golubchik sergii at pisem.net
Mon Oct 15 14:56:47 CEST 2001


On Oct 07, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
> Hi.
> So, here's a patch for MPlayer-0.50pre3 (not CVS!).
> It adds -makesub (and -nomakesub) switch, which enables "makesub" mode.

As a followup - here's a very simple perl script that converts
mplayer's output in -makesub mode (that is, list_sub_file dump)
to MicroDVD subtitle file (as least to something that mplayer recognizes
as such - I've seen no original MicroDVD subtitle files).

If start time for subtitle is not set (as -makesub mode was mostly
designed to simplify subtitle making - one keypress 'n' per subtitle is
enough, and it sets end time), start time is calculated from subtitle
string length - this simple heuristic works fine in 99.9%.


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