[MPlayer-dev-eng] help request: YUV fourcc internals

Nick Kurshev nickols_k at mail.ru
Fri Nov 23 08:58:51 CET 2001


Could someone explain me subj or send me URL where it's described.

As I've found (looking at radeon sources from X11 and gatos stuffs):
YUY2 is flat format - it has only one image surface with interlaved
YUYV components (and indeed it's VYUY422 format).

Well, but IYUV, YV12, I420 are complex formats and consist from 3 parts:

|            |
|     P1     |
|            |
| P2  |  P3  |

As I've found only difference between I420 and YV12 it's swapped P2 and P3
parts. And as I understand: IYUV === YUV12, isn't?
But what is difference between YUV12 and YV12?

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