[MPlayer-cygwin] -ss and -endpos not exact

TAJTHY Tamás tajthy at mailbox.hu
Wed Jan 2 10:49:36 CET 2008


>> If I get home I'll try to use a normal pipe like this:
>> mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -really-quiet\
>>  patch.avi -ss $time1 -endpos $len1 patch.avi -ss $time2 -endpos $len2 -o - |\
>>  mencoder ... vpass=1 ... -o xTest.avi -
>> I hope this will work!
>I tried and this is working!!! "-quiet" is not enough, but "-really-quiet" is
>writing no additional info so it really writes only the avi file to stdout!!!
>Only one thing! If I set the exact start time (-ss option) it starts one frame
>before/after I wanted (I dont't remember exactly :-( ). I just corrected the -ss
>time by 20 ms.

Life is not so nice! :-((( Sometimes the 2nd mencoder dies stating that can seek
in the stream and can not detect the avi format. But if I set "-cache 1024" the
problem occures again, namely the 2nd frame is inserted as first and then comes
the whole part. But because of that the last few frames are left off. :-( Can it
be that mencoder detects somehow that the first frame is very different from the
rest??? Just to remember: I made a small avi ffmjpeg'd avi file: the first frame
is the last frame of the shot just before the tested shot, then cames the shot
itself. The last frame is the first frame of the next shot). 

If I cut the whole part to an avi file and I feed it to the second mencoder by
"cat file.avi|mencoder..." the same problem can occur, so I think the same
problem could occure with AviSynth (I have not tested it yet).

THX for the help && Good byte!

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