[MPlayer-cygwin] Newbie question

mikelcdfels mikelcdfels at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 17:02:18 CET 2007

Hello to everybody.

I need to run some chapters of a DVD from a ANSI C program and i think
mplayer is the easiest solution.

I´m trying to run mplayer in slave mode from an ANSI C program  in a Windows
XP environment.

I can´t communicate with mplayer it seems it doesn´t arrive command to
MPLAYER  or it doesn´t understand.

Every time i´m surfing on the web looking for a solution i get with this
mail list.

Is it a must to communicate with MPLAYER in Windows XP? or is the only way
to do it?

I´ve a binary distribution from MPLAYER. Do i need to rebuild from the
source to work with CYGWIN?

Here is my newbie code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main (void)
  FILE *output;

  //output = _popen ("cmd /c start /min C:\\mplayer\\mplayer.exe -slave
-noborder C:\\spot.mpeg", "w");
  output = _popen ("C:\\mplayer\\mplayer.exe -slave -noborder
C:\\spot.mpeg", "w");
  //output = _popen ("more", "w");
  if (!output)
      fprintf (stderr,
               "incorrect parameters or too many files.\n");

    fprintf (output, "%s\n", "-pause ");
  if (_pclose (output) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr,
               "Could not run more or other error.\n");



Thanks for you patience

Greetings from Barcelona.

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