[MPlayer-cygwin] Problems compiling with SDL

John Brown johnbrown105 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 1 05:22:07 CEST 2006

) ./configure fails because sdl-config --libs returns
-Lc:/mingw/lib -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -mwindows
which is insufficient. -lwinmm and -ldxguid are also required.
I modified sdl-config so that it returned
-Lc:/mingw/lib -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lwinmm -ldxguid -mwindows

2) Duplicate symbol errors (IID_IDirectDraw7,IID_IDirectDrawcolorControl) in 
libdxguid.a and
libvo/vo_directx.c. I looked in libvo/directx.c and found the following:
* DirectDraw GUIDs.
* Defining them here allows us to get rid of the dxguid library during
* the linking stage.

const GUID IID_IDirectDraw7 =

const GUID IID_IDirectDrawColorControl =

So what if dxguid has to be included? Remember, it is not included, then
configure fails. It is part of w32api, although it seems that the
current w32api headers do not define some constants used by MPlayer.
After I upgraded w32api (thinking that maybe it was outdated), I had to
re-install the MPlayer dx7 headers.

Anyway, I commented out these definitions.

3) Finally, during link, the SDL libraries could not find GDI functions.
It seems that the -mwindows was removed from the libs returned
by sdl-config. To work around this, I added -lgdi32 so that sdl-config
-Lc:/mingw/lib -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lwinmm -ldxguid -mwindows

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