[MPlayer-cygwin] A request for DirectX driver

deje at miki.hu deje at miki.hu
Thu Jun 9 23:02:39 CEST 2005

Dear Sasha,

I make a new MPF frontend which uses MPlayer in slave mode, handling all
the Win messages myself. If I switch to fullscreen, mplayer fullscreen
window appears and it handles messages so my frontend cannot be notified
about anything. If I want to make my own fullscreen window, mplayer has
to be restarted with the changed window handle (-wid), which should be
I think there might be a solution that mplayer's own WndProc routine
should forward the window messages to a specified handle (except moving
and some messaged which control overlay placement - only input messages
needed) It might be the handle that is used by -wid, but it would be
better to give them to another.
Unfortunately I have not enough time to learn from the code how to do
this corretly, so please give me some advice. If you could do this that
would be the best...
Anyway my new frontend resembles Media Player Classic, which I find very
useful, especially, when it is actually MPlayer within... :)


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