[MPlayer-cygwin] Stopping the screensaver in windows

deje at miki.hu deje at miki.hu
Tue Aug 9 01:55:29 CEST 2005

8/7/2005 -n, "Sylvain Petreolle" <spetreolle at yahoo.fr> irta:

>--- deje at miki.hu a écrit :
>> I think that is also a hack that we should avoid. Which output driver do
>> you use? As all output drivers are GPL'ed or free source, they can be
>> modified to implement the screensaver disabler method. vo_directx has
>> the one which windows api suggests - this is the clean way. I hate
>> hacking when there a nice way exists.
>Does this method take your own remark into account ?
>I personally don't like when a user program changes system settings,
>because it may hang and won't reset that setting after killing it.

The same remark says:

"...when windows tries to start screensaver, it sends a win message to
the message handler of the process, asking whether it can start it or

Windows everytime asks all running processes for permission when it tries
to start the screensaver. So guess...


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