[MPlayer-cygwin] usage of -wid on windows

nick at savs.net nick at savs.net
Thu Apr 28 07:13:55 CEST 2005

Subject: Re: Re: [MPlayer-cygwin] usage of -wid on windows

> Is there a situation, short of c++, where redirects on win32 with
> mplayer works correctly? Or is this just another chronic MS problem?
> Should I try to get to get the bugs out of my cygwin or mingw before I
> ask that?

My bugs and Microsoft's bugs aside, my main question is really whether

- The wid I'm passing to mplayer is being done in the way intended (Since there's no documentation I can find) and
- whether there are a bunch of assumptions that need to be satisfied before -wid will work (eg. I gather that the app whose window needs to be rendered on needs to have called DirectDrawCreate() and SetCooperativeLevel() before we start MPlayer, but none of this is written anywhere I can see.).

So I'm assuming one or more people on this list would be familiar with the directx vo code and the assumptions surrounding it. This isn't a "fix my bugs!" post - I just can't find any information about the usage of -wid on Windows anywhere.



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