[MPlayer-cygwin] [PATCH] automatic high-priority

Alexander Turcic alexander at turcic.com
Sun Oct 24 21:47:53 CEST 2004

Starting with Windows 2000, we have 32 process priorities:
# 0-7 - Low user
# 7-15 - High user
# 15-23 - Real Time
# 23-31 - Administration only

Normal priority is 7-9 (depending if your program is in 'focus').
"Abovenormal" is 10.

On a standard P3 600Mhz, using abovenormal is sufficient to have Mplayer
run without "stuttering". 

As of Windows 98, I have no clue what it supports and what not since I
have never used nor have written any programs for it. 

If a thread runs at the highest priority level for extended periods, other threads
in the system will not get processor time. If several threads are set at
high priority at the same time, the threads lose their effectiveness.
Microsoft recommends that the  high-priority class should be reserved
for threads that must temporarily respond to time-critical events. The important
point is that a high-priority thread should execute for a brief time,
and only when it has time-critical work to perform.

-----Original Message-----
From: Reimar Döffinger
Sent: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:06:25 +0200
To: Win32/CygWin porting <mplayer-cygwin at mplayerhq.hu>
Subject: [PATCH] automatic high-priority


> High priority is in general a bad thing because it makes your OS
> inresponsive. If you want to give MPlayer more timeslices of your CPU to
> avoid video skips etc, don't go higher than "abovenormal" with your
> settings.

Except for the fact that there is no such process priority in e.g. Windows 98.
And as to the reason why this is necessary: Play mp3 with mplayer and
start a (bigger) program. MPlayer will then stutter due to Windows stupid
scheduler, although it uses only 1% CPU.

Reimar Döffinger

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