[MPlayer-cygwin] Re: more recent mplayer binary released

Andrey Sapozhnikov sapa at icb.chel.su
Thu Mar 18 18:06:11 CET 2004

Sascha Sommer wrote:
> Hi, I just uploaded a new mplayer binary release to
> http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/win32-beta/
> - SSE support disabled until the ac3 decoding bug is fixed

On my Celeron/800 it failed here:

-vc ffdivx -ac mp3

  00405F4B   fmul        qword ptr ds:[4048F8h]
  00405F51   fstp        qword ptr [ebp-16E8h]
*00405F57   movsd       xmm0,mmword ptr [ebp-16E8h]
  00405F5F   cvttsd2si   eax,xmm0
  00405F63   mov         [0087CCD8],eax

-vc ffdivx -ac null
  0040841C   fstp        dword ptr [ebp-1658h]
  00408422   fstp        qword ptr [ebp-16E8h]
*00408428   movsd       xmm0,mmword ptr [ebp-16E8h]
  00408430   cvttsd2si   eax,xmm0
  00408434   mov         [0087A42C],eax


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