[MPlayer-cygwin] bunch of questions

Bojan djurob at urc.bl.ac.yu
Thu Oct 23 22:39:51 CEST 2003

At 10/22/2003 1:25:00 AM, you wrote:
>Bojan writes:
> > 7. When encoding you can use -oac copy audiofile.mp3. You forgot to add it 
> > to the man file.
>I'm not sure I understand what you want added to the man page..  Why
>don't you send a patch or a text version of what you want added?

Here is how I used it:
mplayer -ao pcm -aofile 1.wav %1  -srate 44100 -vo null
gogo -b 64 1.wav
mencoder -ovc lavc -oac copy -audiofile D:\library\mplayer\1.mp3 -ofps 25 %1 -vf scale=320:240

You can use ac -copy to use already compressed audio file in target avi file.

Help file:
 -oac <codec name> 
 Encode with the given audio codec. Use -oac help to get a list of available codecs. (no default set) 
 -oac copy 
 no encoding, just streamcopy 
 Can be used to encode avi file using already compressed audio file:
-oac copy -audiofile 1.mp3

But since lame is included, now I use

-oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64  -srate 44100 %1


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