[MPlayer-cygwin] MinGW compile-problem invd_lcl.c,missingdefi nition of 'Z_NO/BEST_COMPRESSION'

Stefan Gürtler stefan.guertler at stud.tum.de
Tue Dec 16 23:11:00 CET 2003

Hi Folks

I have to admitt that my knowledge is too limited to completely understand the 
Makefile, but it must be OK, as it does its job well under linux. 
Only on both of my MinGW systems i have those troubles with linking of /man/
man1/mencoder.1. The second system is three days old, consisting only of 
MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe and MSYS-1.0.9.exe. All i did there was compiling various 
versions of mplayer. No other modifications. I copied a fresh mplayer from CVS 
and ffmpeg/libavcodec from CVS to the home-directory and started to compile. 
Same error-message.
I remember that once I edited the Makefile manually to have it linking 
mencoder agains $(MANDIR)/man1/mplayer.1 instead of just mplayer.1 and i got 
rid ot the error that time. So i did two things:

First i edited Makefile in the manner mentioned above, and i got rid of the 
error and was given an mencoder.1 linked to mplayer.1. This was done on the 
fresh MinGW system.

Secondly i added some pwd-commands and echo "I am at the beginning/end of this 
or that routine" to Makefile to get to know in which directory make is trying 
the commands. This was done on the linux system.
I found out that i was right and Makefile is actually in the directory main 
when trying to link. (ln -sf mplayer.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/mencoder.1 ;)

This is the end of the output of "make install" under linux:
install -m 755 -s mplayer /opt/mplayer-031216_b/bin/mplayer
/home/knoppix/mplayer/main	/current directory
Anfang man mplayer		/=beginning of man mplayer chapter
if test ! -d /opt/mplayer-031216_b/man/man1 ; then mkdir -p /opt/
mplayer-031216_b/man/man1; fi
for i in en; do \
        if test "$i" = en ; then \
                install -c -m 644 DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1 /opt/mplayer-031216_b/
man/man1/mplayer.1 ; \
        else \
                mkdir -p /opt/mplayer-031216_b/man/$i/man1 ; \
		install -c -m 644 DOCS/man/$i/mplayer.1 /opt/mplayer-031216_b/man/$i/man1/
mplayer.1 ; \
        fi ; \
echo "Ende man mplayer, Anfang man mencoder" /=end of man mplayer, beginning 
of man mencoder
Ende man mplayer, Anfang man mencoder
install -m 755 -s mencoder /opt/mplayer-031216_b/bin/mencoder
for i in en; do \
        if test "$i" = en ; then \
                ln -sf mplayer.1 /opt/mplayer-031216_b/man/man1/mencoder.1 ; \
        else \
		ln -sf mplayer.1 /opt/mplayer-031216_b/man/$i/man1/mencoder.1 ; \
	fi ; \
echo "ende man mencoder"
ende man mencoder
																*** Download font at http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/
*** for OSD/Subtitles support and extract to /opt/mplayer-031216_b/share/

So how does the link command under linux find the mplayer.1 that was installed 
to $(MANDIR)/man1/mplayer.1 though it is not provided with the actual path to 
it. ( ln -sf mplayer.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/mencoder.1 ;)
And why does it not function the same way in MinGW?
Is it due to different commands issued under linux and MinGW by the variable 
$(INATALL)? I was not able to find its definition up to now.

But i also have to say:
If all of you do not encouter that problem, we can leave it be, as i use 
Sascha Sommers html-version of the manpage on win32 anyways.


P.S. to Sycotic Smith
Reading calmly through Your mail once more i see that You did not intend to 
attack me or point out mistakes that i make. So i apopogize for my cynical 
comment on the las mail.  Please try to use the --prefix option ones and tell 
me, if you end up with the same error.

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