[MPlayer-cvslog] r19341 - in trunk/stream: Makefile asf_mmst_streaming.c asf_streaming.c network.c network.h pnm.c stream_ftp.c stream_netstream.c stream_rtsp.c stream_vstream.c tcp.c tcp.h

Uoti Urpala uoti.urpala at pp1.inet.fi
Sat Aug 5 22:01:49 CEST 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 22:49 +0300, Ivan Kalvachev wrote:
> And one more thing that seems to passed unnoticed.
> "Borrowing" from file and then putting ONLY your copyright on it, is
> as close to copyright infringement (read stealing) as I can possibly

Which file are you talking about?

> imagine.  If I understand correctly You haven't wrote all this code,
> you just added nice formatting and some (minor) modifications.

Unfortunately the formatting wasn't nice, it was gnu style which
(fortunately) isn't used in existing MPlayer files with only a few
exceptions. The original formatting was better (not that it was perfect

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