[Mplayer-advusers] [BUGREPORT] MPlayer crash playing file made by Mencoder...

rcooley rcooley at spamcop.net
Sat Sep 25 03:13:58 CEST 2004

Strange problem...  When I use mencoder to encode from a DVD, to an
SVCD-compatible mpeg2 avi file (480:480, fps:29.976023976), mplayer
crashes trying to play it.  The file crashes every different version of
mplayer I've tried (back to 1.0pre3), so this must be a fairly
long-standing issue.

"MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: video_read_properties"

I've uploaded the first 300KB of "Futurama1-tmp.avi" to
mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/incoming/  That's more than enough to reproduce the
crash.  gdb output attached.  I'm using a CVS snapshot from about an
hour ago...

The mencoder commandline used to create the file (which has worked fine,
litterally hundreds of times before):  
mencoder "$INPUT" -ofps 23.976023976 -oac copy -vf
pullup,crop=704:470:12:0,scale=480:480,softskip,harddup  -ovc
lavc -lavcopts
bitrate=850:mbd=2:keyint=60:aspect=4/3:trell:vpass=1 -o "$OUTPUT"
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