[MPlayer-advusers] msu lossless codec

compn tempn at twmi.rr.com
Fri Nov 19 16:05:21 CET 2004

this codec is BETA, maybe incompatable with newer ver.
not reccomended to add.


videocodec msu
info "MSU Lossless Video Codec"
fourcc MSUC
status working
driver vfw
dll "MSU_lvc.dll"
out YUY2 flip,noflip,query

works, how come huffyuv vfw does not? and how come this
ICDecompressQuery failed: Error -2
ICDecompressBegin failed: Error -2
Error decompressing frame, err=-2
stuff isint in the win32 codec import howto?

and of course flip,noflip,query? someone needs to docu this.

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