[Mplayer-advusers] pre-bugreport

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Tue Mar 16 18:09:42 CET 2004


>>btw the rgb vs bgr thing is imho well defined in docs/tech/colorspaces.txt.
> IMHO its not, the reason why i think so is that if a developer doesnt know 
> open gl then he depends upon -vo gl which only supports RGB24 & RGB32
I can help you there. The attached patch lets vo_gl use most colour 
formats (needs OpenGL 1.2). Start it with -vo gl:manyfmts.
It seems that at least the MMX/3dnow-optimized YUV->RGB32 version uses a 
different format for RGB32 than OpenGL... I get funny colors on my AMD 
Athlon machine with -vf format=RGB32. No other vo module I can use 
supports this format...

Reimar Döffinger
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