[Mplayer-advusers] [BUG?] MPlayer segfaulting without reason (at start)

Lucas Vergnettes lucas at thinko.net
Thu Mar 21 08:40:07 CET 2002

le mer 20-03-2002 à 22:51, Lucas Vergnettes a écrit :
> Dear MPlayer users,
> I used to compile the CVS version of MPlayer regularly, but when I tried
> yesterday (interrested by divx5 support), it compiled but didn't run. It
> segfaults at start, with or without arguments.

Well... sorry for the last big mail, I found this morning that updating
libavifile0.6 (from CVS, i did debian packages), and installing divx5
codec fixed the error.

BTW couln't the error be more explicit?

Hope I didn't annoy anyone.

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