[MEncoder-users] Invalid fourcc (tag) in x264 in newer versions

Renato Rodrigues renato.sp at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 02:28:47 CET 2011

Hi guys

I built my own mencoder frontend some years ago to encode videos for my
gadgets (PSP, iPhone, etc) . This worked great but the mencoder version was
a bit old (for example no libass) so I decided to update to a newer version.
But now the line that I always used refuses to work. The error is [mp4 @
00fdb898]Tag H264/0x34363248 incompatible with output codec id '28'

I saw somewhere that it is due to the new strict verifications in FFmpeg but
I can't find how to skip this verification in mencoder or wich -ffourcc
option I need to use in order it to work.

I tried -ffourcc h264, x264, avc1, mp4v and none of them worked.

This is the line I'm using:

mencoder -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -sws 9 -srate 48000 -channels 2
-vf-add scale=480:272,harddup -oac faac -faacopts br=96:mpeg=4:object=2:raw
-ovc x264 -ffourcc H264 -x264encopts
-subfont-text-scale 3.5 -subpos 96 -subcp ISO8859-1 -sub
"Fringe.S03E15.HDTV.XviD-LOL.srt" "Fringe.S03E15.HDTV.XviD-LOL.avi" -o

and this is the mencoder version

MEncoder Sherpya-SVN-r32848-4.2.5

Forgive me if this is a newbie question, but I swear, I searched everywhere
before posting here.

Thanks in advance

Renato Rodrigues, Brazil

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