[MEncoder-users] audio/video delay/async in an ogv file

Erik Streb del Toro mail at erikstreb.de
Fri Sep 24 14:39:56 CEST 2010


I was trying the last couple of hours to get a OGG video in sync with
it’s audio stream. The audio comes in to soon and needs delaying. I used:
  ffmpeg -i inputfile.ogv -itsoffset 00:00:00.6 -i inputfile.ogv -map
0:0 -map 1:1 -vcodec copy -acodec copy outputfile.ogv

where both inputfiles are the same source with the audio delay problem.

But the output file seems to be broken. If I set the offset to 10
seconds (00:00:10) you can see that even mplayer get’s stuck while
playing. And vlc has some lags playing the file.

And another strange thing: The length of the original input video is 31
seconds, but the output is also always 31 seconds (indifferent which
value I put for itsoffset). Shouldn’t it get longer, with blank audio
and blank video at the beginning and the end of the video file?

I also tried it with mencoder:
  mencoder -audio-delay 0.6 inputfile.ogv -ovc copy -oac copy -o

but that lead to a totally corrupted output file.

Any suggestions on how to do this correctly?

PS: If you need a sample, you can just try it yourself, the video is on
wikimedia commons:

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