[MEncoder-users] mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy h264 hangs

Stefan Sassenberg stefan.sassenberg at gmx.de
Thu Aug 12 15:33:31 CEST 2010

Am 12.08.10 15:26, schrieb Andrew Berg:
>   On 8/12/2010 6:35 AM, Stefan Sassenberg wrote:
>> I'm not bound to avi, I was just looking for a container that makes it
>> possible to edit the videos. Which one should I use? I can also reencode
>> the files if that makes my life easier. In that case, which tool should
>> I use and what is my target codec?
> It depends on what you use to edit the videos. VideoReDo is nice, but it
> costs money. There are TSSniper and h264ts_cutter, which are free, but
> are not as user-friendly (though quite usable) and can only cut on
> I-frames. For all three, your original file should work, but I don't
> know the specifics of what produced your file. If the program you want
> won't take the file, you should be able to remux with tsMuxeR, which
> will give you a more standard MPEG-TS container.
> However, if you mean actual editing (effects, transitions, etc.) and not
> just cutting, then I don't know. If I'm not mistaken, commercial editors
> like Vegas will likely support even the most hacked-up containers as
> long as they're common enough.

Cutting will do, the I-frame limitation is ok. The problem with the 
original container/codec is that it cannot be played with mplayer, the 
video plays too slow. And I need a way to reencode videos to a dvd 
compatible format.

Maybe I should open an mplayer thread for the problem of mplayer playing 
my files too slowly.

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