[MEncoder-users] Motion trails wanted! for art project

Jakob Wierzba jwierzba at gmx.de
Mon Oct 19 18:18:46 CEST 2009

Thank you all so far!

Am Mittwoch, den 14.10.2009, 20:10 -0700 schrieb RC: 
> ibias=-256:pbias=256:mpeg_quant

didn't turn out so good, as well as the earlier suggested vf-hqdn3d
settings - but I'm not looking for filters anyway.

> tcplx_mask=1.0

Was a good hint, and 

> sc_threshold=1000000000

helped to understand that i need to get as many B-frames as possible.
Keyint is limited to 250 in lavc, so I tried x264, which allows infinite
keyint, or just one I-frame followed by B-frames only. It also has very
nice motion recognition and the macroblocks aren't as "blocky" and
grid-like. I tried with very low vbitrate lavc-mpeg4, but x264 just
looks better and seems to rely heavier on motion... And, additionally,
the desired effect still works with high resolutions. I can even make
the video spread into vf-expanded black stripes, just like that old

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