[MEncoder-users] Tuning hqdn3d

Nicolas George nicolas.george at normalesup.org
Mon May 18 19:44:45 CEST 2009

Le nonidi 29 floréal, an CCXVII, James Hastings-Trew a écrit :
> If file size is of no concern, then why compress the video at all? Maximal 
> quality will be acheived with a lossless codec such as ffvhuff. Your 

You missed the "and no more" bit, and thus are burning an obvious straw man.

You can complain about "unpredictable file size" all you want, you know as
well as me that for a reasonably-sized movie (for example), x264 will
achieve a very good visual quality with a file at about 1 Go or 2 Go,
sometimes a little more, but it will never be huge, never 10 Go for example.

Now, what do I want when I encode something. I want to be able to take my
movies on holidays with me. Therefore, I want:

1. A good visual quality. Not lossless, but enough so that the artifacts do
   not distract me when I watch it.

2. A good usage of my disk space. Which means the smallest file possible
   under the quality condition.

Target bitrate is definitely not the way to go: you can whine all you want
that it is not possible to predict the size of a constant-quality encoding,
but the reverse is also true: you can not predict the quality of a
target-bitrate encoding either. That makes 1-1, ball to the center.

And if the primary condition is the quality and not the size...

> experiment of a couple of days ago was unrealistic, and you know it. 

What does it have unrealistic? It was done quickly on a single small sample
with a single viewer, but the methodology was blameless. And at the very
least, it proves that the claim that constant-bitrate would be better at
half the bitrate was just laughable.

> Additionally, I was not talking about doing 2-pass at constant rate factor 
> - that would be silly.

That would not be silly, that is just not currently implemented.

But you are right, that is not what the question is. The question is:

1. Constant-quality encoding at an arbitrary quality to get file A.

2. 2-pass target bitrate encoding to get file B with the same size as file A.

-> Which is better, file A or file B?

>							  I will not feed 
> this particular troll anymore.

What kind of hypocrisy is it to write that at the end of a mail where you
did nothing but feed the troll?


  Nicolas George
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