[MEncoder-users] Problem with audio resampling

mkalkal mkalkal at interia.pl
Thu Feb 7 00:42:25 CET 2008


When I run
mencoder tv:// -tv freq=552.43:adevice=/dev/dsp2  -o ~/a.avi -af 
resample=44100 -oac lavc -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=2000
audio is about 1-2 seconds delayed to video .

if I invoke mencoder like this
mencoder tv:// -tv freq=552.43:adevice=/dev/dsp2  -o ~/a.avi  -oac pcm 
-ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=2000
everything is synchronized .

I need to resample because /dev/dsp2 (btaudio device) works only on 
44800Hz and cannot be encoded with lavc.

Is this a bug  ?
Does exist workaround ?

Maciek Kaliszewski

Zmus swoj telefon do wysilku - WYGRAJ!
Kliknij >>> http://link.interia.pl/f1cec

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