[MEncoder-users] Performance on multi core machines - a specific enquiry re avisynth mt input

Michael Rozdoba mroz at ukgateway.net
Sat Sep 29 11:14:58 CEST 2007

James Hastings-Trew wrote:

> You'll need a :threads=2 option in the lavc opts to render with a dual 
> core machine using both cores.

I've just tried threads=4 for my Q6600, but as I expected (having read 
elsewhere), it made no difference. It's not clear if the huffy encode 
process's multiple threads made use of multiple cores, but as it takes 
little cpu power that doesn't matter to me.

What matters it that avisynth's frameserving into mencoder uses multiple 
cores & it still doesn't, so the process is bottlenecked & runs as only 
25% cpu, 3fps.

As I explained, avisynth to a player or vdub controlled ffdshow huffy 
encode does allow avisynth to run at 100% cpu, 11fps. It's only when I 
use this as input to mencoder that I get this 25% bottleneck.

> I've had a look a MeGUI, and it really looks like it was written by 
> someone not all that familiar with MEncoder - it does a LOT of stuff 
> with external applicaitons (VirtualDub, AVISynth, besweet, MP4BOX, 
> DGIndex, Avimux, faac, lame, enc_aacPlus, etc.)

Aside: what does it use vdub for? I've not noticed that.

> that are all really 
> unnecessary because MEncoder has a LOT of really great filters and 
> codecs built in. I would be very surprised if you couldn't achieve 
> whatever it is you are trying to do with MEncoder alone. I say this as a 
> former very heavy user of VirtualDub, AviSynth, BeSweet, and boatloads 
> of special scripts and filters. Since I started working with MEncoder, 
> I've not needed to use any of those other programs, ever. For anything.

Aside: How would I replicate the avisynth script I posted using just 

Thanks for the feedback.

Michael Rozdoba

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