[MEncoder-users] Problems with libavcodec videos in my dvd-recorder

Pepe rvm3000 at ya.com
Sat Sep 23 00:44:44 CEST 2006

I have a Samsung DVD recorder (HR725), with divx support.

Videos generated by mencoder with the libavcodec don't look good in that 
device. I think it's like it skipped the I-frames (all or most of them), so 
images from different scenes merge. It's a little bit funny but no one can 
watch anything that way :(

If I use xvid instead of libavcodec then everything works ok. And divx videos 
downloaded from internet look ok, too.

Maybe I'm missing some options in mencoder which can make the video more 
compatible. This is the command line I use:

mencoder -noodml -o video.avi \
  -oac copy \
  -ffourcc DX50 \
  -ovc lavc \
  -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=983:mbd=0:vstrict=1:vqmax=31 \
  -vf-add scale=624:352 -zoom \
  -vf-add harddup \

(The "vstrict=1" is because I have another dvd player which plays ok these 
videos as long as I use "vstrict=1" otherwise the player hung)

I tried "vstrict=0", tried "-ffourcc XVID" and "ffourcc DX50". I also tried to 
add b-frames... Nothing, exactly the same result.

If I use xvid then the videos look good, there's no problem. This is the 
command line:

mencoder -noodml -o video.avi \
  -oac copy \
  -ovc xvid \
  -vf-add scale=624:352 -zoom \
  -vf-add harddup \

And as I said before videos from internet (maybe created with the divx codec) 
are played nicely in this device. So what am I doing wrong? What can I do to 
make libavcodec videos more compatible with divx?

Ah, a movie generated by an old version of mencoder (I think 1.0pre6) with 
libavcodec does play ok. I have now mencoder 1.0pre8.


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