[MEncoder-users] Dropped frames trouble

Matthew Allen fret at memecode.com
Fri Sep 22 10:06:18 CEST 2006

> >> This worked, in that I got a reasonable "output.avi". However the 
> >> output avi has less frames than the input mpv file and runs for less 
> >> time, and so the audio (mpa) is out of sync when remuxed (via 
> >> intermediate wav file) with the avi.
> > 
> > It seems that the first 6.something seconds of video is not in the 
> > output. What could cause the first blocks of frames not to be converted?
> > 
> > Does it start converting at the first I frame or something?
> Please upload part of the video to:
> ftp://upload.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/incoming/
> ....and tell us the file name. Be sure to upload enough of the file to 
> cover at least the first 10 seconds or so; upload more if you have the 
> bandwidth, unless the file is really huge.

It's 2.3gb for the whole file so I settled on 20mb which is the first 30 seconds. It starts with a black screen and some white text. It's actually the first part of the Steve Irwin memorial that showed yesterday.

The file name is fret_test.mpv

When I converted it I lost about 6.75 seconds right at the start. If I know how many frames of video is not converted I can adjust the audio delay to match and everything will be fine. I'm writting a tool that over-sees the conversion of DVB .TS files to AVI, and it needs to run unattended. And audio sync is a big issue when converting source material with (transmission) errors in it. Lots of tools drop frames/samples that are corrupted which is _BAD_ when you are trying to keep audio sync.

So far I'm using PVAStrumento as the first part of the pipe which removes the grossest of errors and outputs mostly clean elemental streams. The file I uploaded has been output from PVAStrumento.

Matthew Allen
(fret at memecode.com) (http://www.memecode.com)

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