[MEncoder-users] mencoder questions under win32

Skynet Management skynet_siteop at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 9 23:02:50 CEST 2005

Here's the batch file I use to use mencoder to convert
mpeg2 streams to xvid avi files under win32 (running
latest version of software):

mencoder -ovc xvid -vf scale=512:384 -sws 9
-xvidencopts pass=1 -nosound -o test-1.avi test.mpg
mencoder -ovc xvid -vf scale=512:384 -sws 9
-xvidencopts bitrate=1100:pass=2 -oac mp3lame 
-lameopts fast:preset=standard -o test-final.avi

I'm currently using to encode MPEG2 (720x480) --> xvid
(512x384) on win32 using

Firstly, there are several questions I have for people
who know:

1. Am I missing any options?
2. How can I alter this to be a 3 or 4 pass encode?

Secondly, when I use that script I do get a file out
that plays under Windows (mplayerc) just fine;
however, one problem is that the resulting file has
problems in virtual dub and virtualdub mod giving an
error, "Warning: nothing to output bframe decoder

Also, if I demux the mp3 file and analyze it with
mrquestionman or encspot, I don't see the correct
results. Mrquestionman usually shows the switches one
used to encode (in this case --alt-preset fast
standard). Additionally, the vbrheader is all messed
up. The bitrates usually jump between 128,224,256 etc.
in normal files. The demuxed file just hovers around
190 jumping by 1 kbps or so.

Can anyone suggestion what I'm doing wrong?

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