[Libav-user] Quicksync decoding problem when there are 2 video cards

Amir Davidov Amir.Davidov at tmd.tv
Mon Jun 12 17:18:34 EEST 2023


I have a machine running Windows 10 that has 2 graphics cards in it, an Intel HD Graphics 630 & an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060. The CPU supports Quicksync & the monitor is plugged into the Intel Graphics card.

I'm using a variant of Anton Khirnov's 2015 qsvdec.c example.

If I have both graphic cards enabled in Windows then we I get to the line:


I get "Error initializing an MFX session: -3." If I disable the NVIDIA card using the device manager the call is successful & things work properly. To my untrained eye, it would appear like it's trying to open a Quicksync session on the wrong card. Interestingly, when I initialize a Quicksync enabled encoder (eg h264_qsv) it is always quite happy to do that even when the NVIDIA card is enabled.

If I'm right about it trying to open a Quicksync session to the NVIDIA card, is there a way of pointing at the correct videocontroller without having to disable to card? I can identify which videocontroller is the Intel card using WMI.

Best wishes

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