[Libav-user] libavfilter: public API for querying supported filter formats

Øystein Sture os at skarvtech.com
Tue Jul 11 11:38:28 EEST 2023


I'm trying to construct a graph where hardware accelerated format conversion is automatically used if available for a certain input/output combination. It seems like the AVFilter class, unlike AVCodec which has the pix_fmts field, does not expose the supported formats.

The query_formats function of the filters sets the AVFilterFormats structure contained in the incfg/outcfg fields of AVFilterLink, but this is not part of the public API.

Am I missing something here? Is there a way to determine when swscale can be replaced by a hardware accelerated format conversion (e.g., vpp_qsv, scale_cuda, scale_vaapi)?

Best regards,
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