[Libav-user] Separating decoding and processing frames into threads

Nikita Vaňků vanku.nikita at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 01:09:32 EEST 2023

> The word copy appears only five times in the documentation of the frame
> API, it is not that hard to find the right one.

I'm asking because AFAIK I cannot simply use av_frame_copy, we are
talking about HW frames in AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI, etc. I would need to
either transfer them to CPU and back, which is something I cannot
afford for performance reasons or use HW API-specific function. Is
there any other way I do not know of?

I have of course tried to create a new frame and av_frame_copy decoded
frame into it. It did not succeed.


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