[Libav-user] mjpeg overread 8

wolverin wolverin82 at mail.ru
Fri Apr 21 16:12:23 EEST 2023

>Пятница, 21 апреля 2023, 17:13 +05:00 от Yurii Monakov <monakov.y at gmail.com>:
>The local screen is converted to mjpeg and streamed to localhost:
>  ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 5 -f x11grab -i :1 -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg udp://
>ffplay -f mjpeg udp://
>This pair of commands work fine with ffmpeg 4.4.2
Thank you for paying attention to my problem, again!  
I am using ffmpeg 5.0 version, but I am not transferring localhost, but between different hosts or even the internet.
Of course, in the latter case, packet losses occur, but how to make the ffmpeg of the library process this correctly.
I set fifo_size to 100M, it reduced the number of other errors, but it didn't get rid of this one.
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